Sunday, August 12, 2012

good customer service.

Good customer service is mostly taken for granted in many business establishments. Provision of fast, friendly and reliable service on all customer issues should be a major priority to any business that wants to succeed.

When customers contact you by phone, email, or chat, you are provided with an opportunity to reinforce and grow the relationship between your business and that customer . Attention to customer service will go a long way in helping you to satisfy your customers and make them feel they are truly special, because, without them your business will fail.

Good customer service skills can be learned. There are some who are having difficulties learning these skills and there are also those who easily learn them. Nevertheless, with proper training and practice, you can develop good customer service skills. Below are two major important customer service skills:


Communication is one of the most important skills in customer service. You need to practice speaking clearly so customers will be able to understand you. You must also be good in explaining things to make it easier for them to understand. Communication is not just about talking. you should also listen to the customers carefully so you could understand their concerns and address them accordingly.


Patience is another skill, which may be hard to master for some, especially if you do not have this characteristic by nature. However, this is very important in customer service as you will encounter difficult people. But no matter what, you need to control your emotions and never talk back to your customers or disrespect them. Remain calm and composed during the whole interaction.

Mastering these skills would surely put your business on the toplist of success.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

what should i sell?

Let's take a look at how we can identify the best products or services to provide or sell to customers.
In most cases, it will be best to sell or provide the services that customers want. However, if it is an innovation, they may not know they want it, yet. But even within the scope of what they know, different customers want different things. For example, think of reasons why people would buy clothes:

。long lasting;




。good service;


。quick delivery;


Okay, this is a long list of reasons and counting. No clothing supplier could satisfy all those needs, which is why different suppliers address different segments of the market.

One of your first jobs is to identify the segment(s) you are aiming to serve, then sell to them.

Sometimes the buyer is buying for him/herself, sometimes too it could be that him/her is buying for someone; sometimes the decision is influenced by others.

Right! Now lets think about who takes the decision to buy from the following example suppliers:

。Toymaker - children, parents, grandparents, friends or relatives?

。Building contractor - householders or architects?

So a question- do those different audience want to hear the same message from the suppliers? Look carefully how it is in your chosen trade. Observe your market carefully, ask around, investigate - find out how people buy where you plan to operate and gear your plan accordingly. Following these steps should point you in the right direction.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

what firm is best to start?

This question is understandable. whatever firm you wish to start, it is quite likely to change with the passage of time as new opportunities arise and are explored.

Success stories include people who stuck to a field they knew, as well as those who broke away into something completely novel. What i can say is this - take time to investigate every aspect of the business before committing yourself.
There is a story about a couple who went on early retirement because of the husband's health. they took a big loan and sank their savings into a restuarant. Only once they had started did they realize it required from each of them 16hrs a day, six days a week to run.

However, it is possible to come to a decision. Try the following starting points if you have not already decided what to do:

。acquire knowledge of an industry, sport or game and seek ways to supply others with that interest profitably;

。look at stuff for sale on eBay and grab the opportunity of selling almost anything on there;

。get a job in a small or medium-sized enterprise and learn how they operate.

Remember also that, it is worth forming a relationship with a business adviser so as to have someone to positively bounce your ideas off. This must be someone with a fine balance of imagination and realism as well as experience outside a narrow professional field:)

Monday, August 6, 2012

men in business

To stay focused, early stage CEOs need to remember that there are just three important things that need to get done in a business. That is:
1. planning,
2. selling and
3. executing.
These tasks require three different mindsets. Some entrepreneurs can excel in all three roles, but the best ones are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and build their teams accordingly.

Although the gap is closing, men still start more companies than women. In comparison, firms run by men tend to:

。grow faster;

。get bigger;

。be more ambitious;

。be technically based;

。be better at self promotion;

。have trouble keeping staff;

。have more crises along the way.

Well, the facts of numbers clearly shows that male dominated firms continue, for the moment, to be the backbone of the small and medium business enterprises. i leave it to the social psychologists to explain why:)

Check back soon for our next interesting article.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

women in business

Here, i am going to share researched views on women entrepreneurs.
Compared to most men entering business, most women are:

。more productive at work;

。more cautious;

。more accurate;

。more serious;

。more enquiring;

。more likely to admit to their weaknesses;

。more likely to seek and listen to advice;

。less inclined to push themselves forward;

。better at dealing with people;

。more likely to worry;

。more likely to underestimate themselves;

。more likely to accept responsibility when things go wrong.

Well, this list is a generalized view of women entrepreneurs but as we know, people vary, so feel free to make a further careful research on this...

I hope that sharing these views with you will encourage more women to develop the confidence that their ideas and abilities deserve. i will like to add that, i am avoiding conclusions on this topic.

Up next will be 'men in business'.

Check back soon! :-)

Friday, August 3, 2012


Many people who are in businesses fall into one of the following categories: technical specialists, managers, administrators and sales people.

Okay, now lets take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of each of them.

1. The Technical Specialist

Strengths of Technical Specialists:



。curiosity about how things work;


。high standards;

。attention to detail.

Weaknesses of technical specialists:

。more interested in things than in people;

。undervalue their work;

。make things better but more expensive than the market wants;

。obsessed with products than customers;

。poor sales skills, believing that good things should speak for themselves.

Key challenge

Getting customer service skills. if they should team up with someone, that person should be an experienced sales person.

2. The Manager

Lets look at the strengths of the manager:

。getting things done to deadline;

。good planner;

。some managers deal with and manage people;

。big vision;

。understanding complexity;

。some managers have good communication and accounting skills.

Weaknesses of the manager:

。used to an institutional setting where many essential tasks are done by others;

。not used to doing the detailed dirty work;

。sometimes has an inflated sense of personal importance;

。difficulty in switching from institutional setting to entrepreneurial life.

Key challenge

Making the transition from narrow to total responsibility.

3. The Salesperson

Here are the strengths of the salesperson:

。big vision;



。good customer service.

Weaknesses of the salesperson:

。misplaced self-confidence;

。sometimes over optimistic;

。inexperienced in the complexity of other commercial functions;

。lack of caution;

。lack of planning.

Key challenge

To grasp the complexity of the whole whilst still using sales skills effectively. A strong minded administrator would make a good partner.

4. The Administrator

Here are strengths of the administrator:

。gets things done to deadline;

。good planner;

。understands complexity;

。good accounting skills;

。good record keeper;

。operates with caution.

And some weaknesses of the administrator are:

。sometimes, over-cautious;

。narrow vision;

。lacks social confidence;

。poor customer service skills.

Key challenge

Should broaden vision and develop customer service skills. The administrator's ideal partner would be an experienced salesperson.

Next, we would focus on ‘women in business’.

Happy Weekend! :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The taste of running a business.

In a word, busy. There is a lot to do and in the early days of the business, probably only you to do it.

It can be managed, though. Ensure that you use your time to the best advantage.

Take for example, two people of reasonable intelligence and education who are of the same age. Over their lives they get exactly the same allowance of time, yet one may become highly successful, than the other. So what makes the difference? well, the answer is: how they put their time to use.

You would agree with me that there is never enough time to do everything. Therefore, you can train yourself to do the following:

。try to look at each email, letter, contract document or phone call;

。take a few minutes out and deal with each of them accordingly.

Focus your time on the few things that will achieve a lot. This way you get all the important things done.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The role of Luck in business.

In business, as in life, luck can play a great part in one's fortunes. Many entrepreneurs tell of talking to the person in the next seat on a bus or train, thus meeting their biggest customer.
However, there is a strong case of belief that we make our own luck, according to Thomas Jefferson's saying: “the harder I work the luckier I get” :-)

Okay, i give you the four principles to ensure good luck by Dr. Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire:

1. Create opportunities, notice them and act on them.

2. When bad things happen, think about how worse they could have been and think of ways to tackle them.

3. Expect good luck and create a receptive frame of mind- that alone often make it happen.

4. Trust your feelings about people and situations.

i would also add here that, when bad things happen, analyze the cause of it, think of how they could have been avoided. Above all, learn from the situation and with luck, you would make sure it doesn't happen again :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

intro. continued

Okay, i am continuing from where we stop the last time. Be aware that there is no government control on ideas, you don't have to pass an exam or buy a licence etc. To power your bizz with a big idea all you have to do is to think, to project your mind into that of the customer, to think what that person really wants. And then put it into action, in every aspect of your operations.

Everything you do should be fully consistent with your big bizz idea.
Suppose your big idea is to make the best engineered computer systems in the world - the finest design, the best components, and built to the closest tolerance.
Think of the customer who buys your computers, then takes it to the house or office to be installed and configured by an inexperienced person.

You see, although the computer is built using the best components and parts, wrong installation and configuration of the computer systems by a non-professional could entirely make the systems unusable.

It is not enough to do one part of the job well- the whole of the customer's experience has to be consistent with your big idea.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Spark (the big idea!).

On this blog, i am going to take you through the necessary steps in starting and running that dream business you have been thinking much about. I know someone will ask this “but how can you coach on how to run a bizz when i know you don't own a business yourself”? Well, lecturers teach business management and administration very well in our universities but most of them do not own physical businesses. However, my mentor is a very successful business mogul. That's just by the way!

A business is more or equal to taking care of a baby up till the time he/she can stand on his/her own feet. A business is only as successful as the time invested in it. You cannot run a business part-time and expect great success.

Every successful business is powered by a big idea- even if it's only a small firm. It comes before the product, market, premises, staff, money...etc.

Consider a religious or political movement, the whole point of a religion or political party is that it puts forward an idea , in this case a picture of future success, either in an afterlife or here on this planet.

Tap into the strength of the big idea, and you harness a surge of power that can carry a bizz on to worldwide recognition.

I will follow-up everyday with detailed posts on this topic so don't miss out:)